Today, acupuncturists undertake three to four years of extensive and comprehensive graduate training at nationally certified schools. All acupuncturists must pass a provincial exam and meet strict guidelines to practice and be registered with The College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta. Dr. Monique has been practicing since 2007 and has been working at Release Chiropractic and Wellness since 2010.
- Monique Ruchkall Doctor of Acupuncture Diploma in TCM912-900 Carriage Lane Place,
Carstairs, AB T0M0N0587-580-7364 -
Clinic Hours
Mon9 am - 7 pmTues9 am - 7 pmWed9 am - 7 pmThurs9 am -7 pmFri9 am - 7 pmSome Sat and Sundays11 am- 4 pm
- Monique Ruchkall Doctor of Acupuncture Diploma in TCM